Monday, January 30, 2012

5. The Death of Klinghoffer

... aka The Death of Sieger - when I tried making it through the entire recording.

First of all, I've had no success in becoming a fan of opera over the years (much to the dismay of my mother, who is as passionate about opera as I am about the music I love).  But, I just couldn't stomach this one.  First of all, it's sung in English which - news flash - isn't the prettiest language in the world.

Second, this strikes me as a very visual story - and there was no way I would get it without watching it at the same time.  And there was NO way I was going to sit through 130 minutes of this on YouTube.

So now I'm....

Here are my new rules:
  1. If it's terrible, I won't listen to it multiple times - and in extreme cases (like this one) I won't even listen to the whole thing.  If I feel I've given it a fair shake - I'll move on to the next one.  My job here is not to be a completest, it's just to enjoy some new music and write more.
  2. Likewise, if a recording sucks, I won't add it to my Spotify playlist
  3. Finally - if the recording in the book is not readily available on Spotify, but another album by that artist is - I may listen to that album instead.  Because I can.


  1. You're missing out man. An excellent minimalist piece.

    Having ragged your taste in opera, you should check out 2000ishAlbums. I and Mike are both following each other during our similar goals.

  2. Ha! No worries about ragging my taste in opera - I have no taste in opera!

    But your point is taken - if my goal is to expose myself to new music, maybe I've got to try a little harder in the future.

    I'll definitely keep an eye on your blog - thanks for writing...

  3. I firmly side with Dan on this one, and wholeheartedly agree to his use of Office Space, but I feel he should have just used the copier scene, but with this recording as the copier.

    Ok, that's honestly a little harsh, but sometimes I walk around my house, singing my actions as I do them, as a riff on this opera. I have never heard or seen an opera aside from what I've heard in the book, so that's really what it sounds like to me. I, however, am a completest, and on the bright side, I can definitely tell my ear is becoming more attuned to jazz, classical and opera since starting this project. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

  4. I should mention the English National Opera is facing backlash from protesters because they plan to do this opera. The reason is that it is sympathetic to terrorists and is anti-semetic. I think I would protest it on the basis that no one should be forced to listen to this! (Ok, again, I kid. I have no basis on which to judge any opera)
