... aka The Death of Sieger - when I tried making it through the entire recording.
First of all, I've had no success in becoming a fan of opera over the years (much to the dismay of my mother, who is as passionate about opera as I am about the music I love). But, I just couldn't stomach this one. First of all, it's sung in English which - news flash - isn't the prettiest language in the world.
Second, this strikes me as a very visual story - and there was no way I would get it without watching it at the same time. And there was NO way I was going to sit through 130 minutes of this on YouTube.
So now I'm....
Here are my new rules:
- If it's terrible, I won't listen to it multiple times - and in extreme cases (like this one) I won't even listen to the whole thing. If I feel I've given it a fair shake - I'll move on to the next one. My job here is not to be a completest, it's just to enjoy some new music and write more.
- Likewise, if a recording sucks, I won't add it to my Spotify playlist
- Finally - if the recording in the book is not readily available on Spotify, but another album by that artist is - I may listen to that album instead. Because I can.