Saturday, February 9, 2013

12. Alice in Chains - Dirt

I was definitely into grunge in the early 90s - watching 120 Minutes on MTV was a weekly staple, and I would tape it and watch it over and over throughout the week.  In 1991, we visited friends in Seattle, and saw our first Starbucks.  When we got home, I couldn't wait to tell people about this magical land of lattes.

But we never went out to see any music in Seattle, and to this day I regret that.  Who might we have seen in a small Seattle club?  Nirvana, Mudhoney, Pearl Jam?  Oh well.

This is a long way of getting to the fact that Alice in Chains was never a band I listened to back then - other than a song here or there, or the Singles soundtrack (still one of the greatest movie soundtracks ever).

This album is raw like an open cut - but I mean that in a good way.  It's truly primal stuff - intense and a kick in the teeth.  You can feel the drugs and pain seeping through Lane Staley's voice.  This shit's real.

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